Problem Solutions Matrix

The purpose of this assignment is to review the root causes of the problem and all of the previously tried, as well as new, solutions you researched to address the problem. From that information, potential solutions should be ranked based upon how well they meet the needs of the business and address the identified problem. After this process is completed, the best solution for solving the problem within your organization can be selected.

Complete the “Problem Solutions Matrix” spreadsheet using the data and information you collected through research and completion of the Stakeholder Analysis in Topics 2 and 3. In the Solution Design Matrix tab, you will address the solutions previously implemented and compare to the new proposed problem solution for addressing the problem within your organization. Be sure to consider the “Solutions Score” column number when documenting the solutions. Review how to score your solution in the directions on the spreadsheet.

When scoring your solutions, you must also consider the timeline for implementation, costs and benefits to key stakeholders and the greater good, potential roadblocks to implementation, and how you will measure and validate whether a solution is successful in addressing the problem. After all of these have been considered and the solutions have been scored, identify the top three most viable solutions and transfer them to the “Problems Solutions Matrix” Part 2 tab. You will then provide specific resources and data to support the problem-solving strategy and identify the best solution strategy as indicated in the spreadsheet.

Complete the “Problem Solutions Matrix” spreadsheet according to the directions.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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