Buck Institute for Education. (2019). What is PBL?Links to an external site.
Jones, B. (2019). Good practice: scaffolded, collaborative project-based learning.Links to an external site.Journal of the European Honors Council, (1), 11–27.
Laan, K. (n.d.). What are the essential tools for better project-based learning?Links to an external site. TeachThought.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2016). ISTE standards for students.Links to an external site.

Review the upcoming units in your curriculum. Select one to use as the foundation for a project-based learning experience that integrates technology.

Using the standards and outcomes aligned to your selected unit, create 2- to 3-SMART goals for your learning experience.
Note: Your SMART goals must align to your curriculum standards and outcomes and at least 3 ISTE standards. (
Think about the step-by-step process of your learning experience and the technology you will integrate.
Note: Begin thinking about how you will present the project and the project to your learners. Research innovative methods and technologies to use and get creative! 
You will begin a draft or rehearsal of your presentation in Week 2 and submit it to the Final Course Assignment Feedback forum.
Select an innovative method to introduce the project-based learning experience and process to your learners.
Create an outline of your project that includes:
The step-by-step process for your students
The resources and technologies your students will use
The questions your students will need to answer
The product your students will need to create
How your students will be assessed
Note: Using the Walden library and/or an outside source, locate additional academic resources to compose a rationale for your project-based learning experience and technology integration in Week 3.
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph description of your activity being sure to note the project-based learning elements, method used to introduce the learning experience and process as well as teaching practices.
Post your SMART goals, Learning Objectives, description and project outline to the Final Course Assignment Feedback forum to receive feedback from your Instructor.

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