Protected Areas (PAs): costs & benefits that PAs might provide for biodiversity conservation & people; opportunities & risks – planned large-scale expansion of PAs, critically reflecting on PA effectiveness, opportunity costs & human–wildlife interactions
Full, detailed assignment description: Area based conservation measures to protect and restore
biodiversity include the use of Protected Areas. Outline the costs and benefits
that Protected Areas might be able to provide for biodiversity conservation
(10) and people (10). Discuss opportunities and risks associated with planned
large-scale expansion of protected areas (i.e. following agreements of 30 x
30), critically reflecting on protected area effectiveness, opportunity costs
and human – wildlife interactions (30).
Essay structure essentials:
– Numbers in the brackets in the assignment description are indicative weights of the grade for this essay i.e. where the marks are in the essay topic
– List of references must be attached
– In-text citations must be included in the word count
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