Provide a Psychometric Review of the 20-item
Assessment of Sadistic Personality (ASP), with reference to the article
Rachel A. Plouffe, Donald H. Saklofske, Martin M.
Smith. The Assessment of Sadistic Personality: Preliminary psychometric
evidence for a new measure. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume
104, 2017, Pages 166-171,
• Provide a title
• Brief introduction to the construct.
• A brief description of the measure and how it was developed as indicated in
the article.
• Review and critique the psychometric properties reported in the article. (Reliability, validity, etc.)
• A critique of any psychometrics not reported, any weaknesses in what was
reported, and what future research needs to be done to establish the usefulness
and accuracy of the measure.
• Finish with a summary and any recommendations you would want to make
regarding the measure.
• Provide a list of references on a separate page.
Additionally, give a brief outline of the 9-item ASP as it is also discussed in the article.
Reference one other source to provide evidence and/or support and/or state the disadvantages for the use of this measure.