Quality Initiatives


You are the CEO of St. Thomas Regional Healthcare Center. Over the past five years, you lead significant quality improvement initiatives resulting in national recognition and Magnet status. You are invited to speak at a national quality improvement conference for other hospital leaders.


Complete a strategic plan and write a white paper, which reflect your process of developing and implementing quality improvement initiatives.

Your strategic plan should include:

  1. Summary of changes in healthcare quality improvement initiatives over the past 10 years and how they are influencing healthcare practices.
  2. An analysis of state and national health care quality measures and the quality improvement principles used in developing your initiatives.
  3. Discuss the Magnet model components and quality improvement initiatives developed to address patient safety outcomes.
  4. Explain the quality improvement model used and strategies developed to address patient safety challenges healthcare.
  5. Identify two quality improvement initiatives and strategies that include engaging healthcare staff as part of the initiative.
  6. Summary of common threats to quality improvement in healthcare and apply a quality improvement model and strategies neutralizing the threats.


– Strategic plan included a comprehensive summary of changes in healthcare quality improvement initiatives over the past 10 years and a comprehensive description of how quality improvement initiatives are influencing healthcare practices with supporting evidence. 

– Strategic plan included a comprehensive analysis of state and national health care quality measures and the quality improvement principles used in developing your initiatives and a comprehensive description of each quality improvement principle with supporting references. 

– Clear and thorough discussion on components of Magnet Recognition Program and quality improvement initiatives developed to address patient safety outcomes. 

– Clear and thorough evaluation of the one model of quality improvement and how it was used to address patient safety challenges including comprehensive descriptions of the model with multiple examples of how the model is used to address patient safety challenges. 

– Comprehensive list of at least two quality improvement initiatives and strategies that include engaging healthcare staff as part of the initiative. Included multiple examples for each item on the list. 

– Clear and thorough summary of the common threats to quality improvement Provided multiple supporting rationales for application of a quality improvement model and strategy to neutralize the threats. 

– Clear and thorough: about the process of developing and implementing quality improvement initiatives. Provided clear and thorough description for each sub-bullet of the strategic plan. 

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