This literature review aims to investigate the potential hazards to worker safety during asphalt construction using conventional hot mix asphalt (HMA) and explore the utilization of green pavement technologies, such as warm mix asphalt (WMA) and additives, to mitigate these hazards. Additionally, the review aims to identify the methodologies employed in previous studies conducted on-site, including data collection techniques for fumes generated during asphalt construction. Furthermore, the review explores the health impacts of fumes on workers and examines how WMA can help reduce these effects. The paper also identifies relevant tests to focus on in future research endeavors.
- Background of the study
- Rationale for investigating green pavement technologies
- Purpose of the literature review
Hazards to Workers’ Safety During Conventional Hot Mix Asphalt Construction
- Identification of potential hazards
- Occupational safety regulations and guidelines
- Previous studies on worker safety
Green Pavement Technologies
- Overview of warm mix asphalt (WMA)
- Additives used to enhance WMA properties
- Environmental benefits of WMA
Methodologies Used in Studying Green Pavement Technologies
- Experimental designs employed in on-site studies
- Data collection techniques for fumes during asphalt construction
- Monitoring equipment and measurement methodologies
Health Impacts of Fumes on Workers
- Identification of health risks associated with HMA fumes
- Previous research on health effects
- Long-term and short-term health impacts
Role of Warm Mix Asphalt in Reducing Health Effects
- Mechanisms by which WMA reduces emissions
- Comparative analysis of health impacts between HMA and WMA
- Case studies demonstrating the benefits of WMA
Relevant Tests and Measurements
- Recommended tests for evaluating emissions and worker exposure
- Health monitoring techniques during construction
- Assessment of WMA’s effectiveness in reducing health impacts
- Summary of key findings
- Identified research gaps
- Recommendations for future research
References in TRR (transportation research record)
I also attached the proposal from the prof. for ref.