Quantitative Reasoning: Use data to create a visual representation (chart, figure, etc.) to display graduation rates. Then write a narrative describing the data.

Prompt: Use the data below to create a visual representation (chart, figure, etc.) to display graduation rates. Then write a narrative describing the data.
Part 1: Create an excel table using the data below. Using the excel table, create a chart that you think best visually represents the information (ex: Bar chart or line graph).
Be sure to include:
a. 4-year rates (by totals and percentage)
b. 5-year rates (by totals and percentage)
c. 6-year graduation rates (by totals and percentage)
d. Separate rates by social class
e. Ensure you display overall average graduation rates (by totals and percentage)
f. Make sure to label your figure/table appropriately
The incoming cohort of students at Central Michigan University in Fall 2015 totaled 3,436 students. Of these students, 1,132 were pell-eligible, 1,290 were eligible for subsidized loans but not pell grants, and 1,014 were not pell-eligible and were not eligible for subsidized loan awards.
• Of the original cohort, 278 pell-eligible students, 471 subsidized loans students, and 434 non pell nor subsidized loans students graduated in 4 or less years.
• Of the same student cohort, an additional 250 pell-eligible students, 300 subsidized loans students, and 244 non pell or subsidized loans students graduated in 5 years of less.
• Finally, an additional 61 pell-eligible students, 53 subsidized loans students, and 28 non pell or subsidized loans students graduated in 6 years or less.
Pell-eligible is a proxy for lower class.
Subsidized loans, non pell eligible is a proxy for middle class.
Non-pell nor subsidized loans is a proxy for upper class.
Part 2: Using your data/chart above, describe any relationships between social class and graduation. Make comparisons between total average graduation rates and each social class.
Prompt: Use the data below to create a visual representation (chart, figure, etc.) to display graduation rates. Then write a narrative describing the data.
Part 1: Create an excel table using the data below. Using the excel table, create a chart that you think best visually represents the information (ex: Bar chart or line graph).
Be sure to include:
a. 4-year rates (by totals and percentage)
b. 5-year rates (by totals and percentage)
c. 6-year graduation rates (by totals and percentage)
d. Separate rates by social class
e. Ensure you display overall average graduation rates (by totals and percentage)
f. Make sure to label your figure/table appropriately
The incoming cohort of students at Central Michigan University in Fall 2015 totaled 3,436 students. Of these students, 1,132 were pell-eligible, 1,290 were eligible for subsidized loans but not pell grants, and 1,014 were not pell-eligible and were not eligible for subsidized loan awards.
• Of the original cohort, 278 pell-eligible students, 471 subsidized loans students, and 434 non pell nor subsidized loans students graduated in 4 or less years.
• Of the same student cohort, an additional 250 pell-eligible students, 300 subsidized loans students, and 244 non pell or subsidized loans students graduated in 5 years of less.
• Finally, an additional 61 pell-eligible students, 53 subsidized loans students, and 28 non pell or subsidized loans students graduated in 6 years or less.
Pell-eligible is a proxy for lower class.
Subsidized loans, non pell eligible is a proxy for middle class.
Non-pell nor subsidized loans is a proxy for upper class.
Part 2: Using your data/chart above, describe any relationships between social class and graduation. Make comparisons between total average graduation rates and each social class.
Prompt: Use the data below to create a visual representation (chart, figure, etc.) to display graduation rates. Then write a narrative describing the data.
Part 1: Create an excel table using the data below. Using the excel table, create a chart that you think best visually represents the information (ex: Bar chart or line graph).
Be sure to include:
a. 4-year rates (by totals and percentage)
b. 5-year rates (by totals and percentage)
c. 6-year graduation rates (by totals and percentage)
d. Separate rates by social class
e. Ensure you display overall average graduation rates (by totals and percentage)
f. Make sure to label your figure/table appropriately
The incoming cohort of students at Central Michigan University in Fall 2015 totaled 3,436 students. Of these students, 1,132 were pell-eligible, 1,290 were eligible for subsidized loans but not pell grants, and 1,014 were not pell-eligible and were not eligible for subsidized loan awards.
• Of the original cohort, 278 pell-eligible students, 471 subsidized loans students, and 434 non pell nor subsidized loans students graduated in 4 or less years.
• Of the same student cohort, an additional 250 pell-eligible students, 300 subsidized loans students, and 244 non pell or subsidized loans students graduated in 5 years of less.
• Finally, an additional 61 pell-eligible students, 53 subsidized loans students, and 28 non pell or subsidized loans students graduated in 6 years or less.
Pell-eligible is a proxy for lower class.
Subsidized loans, non pell eligible is a proxy for middle class.
Non-pell nor subsidized loans is a proxy for upper class.
Part 2: Using your data/chart above, describe any relationships between social class and graduation. Make comparisons between total average graduation rates and each social class.
Prompt: Use the data below to create a visual representation (chart, figure, etc.) to display graduation rates. Then write a narrative describing the data.
Part 1: Create an excel table using the data below. Using the excel table, create a chart that you think best visually represents the information (ex: Bar chart or line graph).
Be sure to include:
a. 4-year rates (by totals and percentage)
b. 5-year rates (by totals and percentage)
c. 6-year graduation rates (by totals and percentage)
d. Separate rates by social class
e. Ensure you display overall average graduation rates (by totals and percentage)
f. Make sure to label your figure/table appropriately
The incoming cohort of students at Central Michigan University in Fall 2015 totaled 3,436 students. Of these students, 1,132 were pell-eligible, 1,290 were eligible for subsidized loans but not pell grants, and 1,014 were not pell-eligible and were not eligible for subsidized loan awards.
• Of the original cohort, 278 pell-eligible students, 471 subsidized loans students, and 434 non pell nor subsidized loans students graduated in 4 or less years.
• Of the same student cohort, an additional 250 pell-eligible students, 300 subsidized loans students, and 244 non pell or subsidized loans students graduated in 5 years of less.
• Finally, an additional 61 pell-eligible students, 53 subsidized loans students, and 28 non pell or subsidized loans students graduated in 6 years or less.
Pell-eligible is a proxy for lower class.
Subsidized loans, non pell eligible is a proxy for middle class.
Non-pell nor subsidized loans is a proxy for upper class.
Part 2: Using your data/chart above, describe any relationships between social class and graduation. Make comparisons between total average graduation rates and each social class.

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