Questionnaire Planning: Improving Reading Proficiency Scores across Elementary Grade Levels by Increasing Student Engagement During Whole Group Instruction

**Please use the template that I attached as a file and do not create your own**
**Paper is also attached as a file**

Questionnaire Planning 

(NOT actually writing survey questions; just planning)

Consider your construct of interest. Remember that constructs are usually not directly measured but, instead you use (sometimes) multiple variables to represent each construct. In addition you (usually) use multiple items to represent each variable.
The goal of this exercise is to
    • identify the variables you need to represent your constructs of interest
    • very roughly list the items you might include for each variable
You do NOT need to write your items now but you should give some thought as to what type response scale might be appropriate. Try to limit the number of response scales used in the questionnaire.
Develop a planning sheet similar to the example that follows. (attached as a file)
Below is an example, starting with an overarching purpose statement:
The purpose of this project was to determine whether certain demographics within a population of Community College faculty make a difference in their opinions about the TLC training. Further, the project seeks to investigate the relationship of their opinions about training and their attitudes toward technology.
Specifically, the major demographics of interest included job type, experience and institution type. The TLC training opinion items related to attendance, value, and effectiveness. Finally, attitudes toward technology reflected prior training, availability, and actual use of technology along with four brief measures of technology confidence.

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