1. Bambara’s story begins with “Back in the days,” which suggests that Sylvia is
significantly older now than she was then. How much time do you think has
passed since the events she recalls? Does it matter to you how old she is now?
Why, or why not?
2. Miss Moore is not officially a teacher. Nor is she a relative of the children she
instructs. Is it right, then, for her to “take responsibility for the young ones’
education” (para. 1)? Make arguments for and against her doing so.
3. Consider Miss Moore herself as making an argument. What are her claims?
Which of her strategies, if any, seem effective in persuading her audience?
Which, if any, seem ineffective?
4. What statements by the children articulate the lesson that Miss Moore teaches?
Are all these statements saying pretty much the same thing? At the end of the
story, is Sylvia ready to agree with all of them? Explain.
5. Do class and race seem equally important in this story, or does one seem more
important than the other? Elaborate your reasoning.