Read description (Leadership Advocacy) week 3 Social Justice and School Counseling Response

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model

Due Sunday September 10, 2023 by 11:00 pm

Must Read Everything: 

Reply to at least two classmate’s posts, applying the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback

I will also show an example below of how the response needs to be addressed.

Here’s an example of how the response should look. Please don’t copy it. 

The response to the classmate need to be just like this. 

Example Response (Response Needs to be writen just like the response below No copying)

RISE Feedback:

REFLECT: I concur with “Action plans should reflect the type of services that are needed and have an idea of the expected outcome of the services” because it is in line with Hatch and Hartline’s intentional school counseling guidelines in regards to determining students needs.

INQUIRE: Can you further explain what “closing-the-gap action plans” are? 

SUGGEST: I encourage you to revisit Hatch and Hartline’s MTMDSS tier interventions in order to add a citation that would illustrate your example on bullying prevention efforts. 

ELEVATE: What if you re-purposed “For example, after a needs assessment, the school is having problems with bullying” as “Following Trish Hatch’s MTMDSS tier based interventions, if the school is having problems with bullying, after a needs assessment, we could… citation…”  for a more weighted argument?

ReferencesHatch, T., & Hartline, J. (2022). The use of data in school counseling: Hatching results (and so much more) for students, programs and the profession (2nd Ed.). Corwin.

****PLEASE RESPOND IN DEPTH***************************************************

Below are the two classmate discussion post that you will need to respond to


Classmate Response 1- Areva

Explain how school counselors promote social justice through the implementation of an ASCA National Model-based school counseling program.

As school counselors we have to make sure we are keeping up with world events and social rights that are occurring around us. Not just Statewide but world events that are even going on in our own city. When we do this we have a better chance of connecting with our students and helping our school as a whole. According to the ASCA model guides school counselors in the development of school counseling programs that:

  •  are based on data-informed decision making
  •  are delivered to all students systematically
  • include a developmentally appropriate curriculum focused on the mindsets and behaviors all students need for postsecondary readiness and success
  • close achievement and opportunity gaps
  • result in improved student achievement, attendance and discipline

Discuss how social justice is embedded throughout the four components of the ASCA National Model and provide specific examples.

Define: Establishes student and professional standards that a counseling program should follow. 

Manage: Used to gather data and adjust the program to meet the needs of the students and the school in a data-driven application. 

Deliver : Provides a school counselor with resources to help students reach their goals as well as resolve conflicts that may arise. 

Assess: Assist school counselors to improve their program and evaluate their personal growth throughout the program development process.

With these four components, school counselors have to educate themselves on appropriate trauma responses in an effort to not cause further distress to students who feel ashamed of their diversity or feel as if social justice hasn’t been done. We can talk about social justice all day but if nothing is being done it leaves open the possibility for more trauma to develop or resurface. We must take a proactive approach to work with students after racial incidents occur. School counselors must put into action the ASCA themes of leadership, advocacy, collaboration and systemic change. If your efforts are not continuous and purposeful in addressing systemic issues, a process necessary for systemic change, then you are not working to solve many of the problems that have preceded and contributed to our current climate.

Explain the role data plays in advocating for social justice within your school counseling program.

Without data you cannot have effective change. I believe as school counselors data is the backbone of a school counseling program . Using data establishes trust in your school counseling program. Data brings validity to what you’re already doing and what your future goals are within the program. When you have data to back you up you’re more likely to be trusted and succeed in social justice and diversity. 


American School Counselor Association. (2019). ASCA national model: A framework for school Counseling programs (4th ed). ASCA.


Classmate Reponse 2- Stormee

Explain how school counselors promote social justice through the implementation of an ASCA National Model-based school counseling program.

School counselors can promote social justice through utilizing current  global events, and social rights activities throughout our communities and the world.  The ASCA model guides school counselors in developing school counseling programs utilizing data-informed decision making that are based on data-informed decision making to close opportunity gaps that result in hire student achievement delivered systematically in developmentally appropriate curriculum that supports student behavior and mindsets to support student success.

Discuss how social justice is embedded throughout the four components of the ASCA National Model and provide specific examples.


The ASCA National Model’s  Define section Provides details on developing a School counseling program that aligns with the vision and mission of the school which also includes Professional Standards and the development of student competencies.( ASCA) Social justice can be implemented by Advocating for others and oneself, developing equity and inclusion practices in student competencies that demonstrate How an individual and group identity was greatly impacted by diversity. The development of Professional Standards that focus on and promote social justice within the school learning community. 

Manage: This component is utilized to gather data and make informed decisions to improve programs to meet the needs of current students.

Deliver : This section provides resources to school counselors that assist students in resolving conflicts and reaching personal and academic goals.

Assess: The program development process supports school counselors in improving their programs through evaluation of personal growth.  

It is essential for school counselors to seek further education on ways to appropriately respond to trauma that students experience due to the lack of social justice or challenges with diversity. Action has to be taken to prevent further trauma for students. School counselors must be proactive in working with students in regards to social justice issues. Continuous and purposeful actions are necessary to address systemic issues through the ASCA themes of systemic change, collaboration, advocacy, and leadership.

Explain the role data plays in advocating for social justice within your school counseling program.

The foundation of School counseling is effective data analysis  to begin to create change in a school environment. Trust can be established in a school counseling program through the effective use of data driven informed decision making. This will create a more trusted and successful setting to improve in the areas of diversity and social’re more likely to be trusted and succeed in social justice and diversity. 


American School Counselor Association. (2019). ASCA national model: A framework for school Counseling programs (4th ed). ASCA.

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