Read the three readings below first, write the reading reflection, and answer the questions in the prompts in it. It is the assignment of the course leairng about U.S. Education Markets & Decentralization: Empowering Parents as Consumers and Schools as Suppliers
- Chubb, J. and Moe, T. 1988. “Politics, Markets, and the Organization of Schools.” Links to an external site. The American Political Science Review, 82(4): 1065-1087.
- DiMartino, C. et al. 2013. “Private Sector Contracting and Democratic Accountability” Links to an external site. Educational Policy 27(2): 307–333.
- Turner, Erica. 2017. “Marketing Diversity: Selling School Districts in a Racialized Marketplace.” Links to an external site. Journal of Education Policy, 33(6): 793-817.
- What’s the relationship between calls for decentralization and calls for market oriented education reforms?
- How are they similar in underlying rationale?
- Do they have the same advocates and adversaries?
- Do market choice options like charter schools complement or undermine community-based advocacy?
- According to Chubb & Moe, what’s the relationship between democracy and bureaucracy?
- What’s the relationship between bureaucracy and school improvement?