Answer these questions when critical thinking/reviewing the article:
Science is our way of knowing and discovering, however, other cultures around the
world had their own ways of doing this before Western colonisation. Given that all of
Western science can be seen as being inherently tied to colonialism, what are your
thoughts on ethnobotany as a discipline emerging from colonialism?
• Can ethnobotanists ever escape this colonial history in their research, especially when
we live in a world where so many still suffer from the effects of colonialism inflicted
upon their ancestors and inflicted upon them themselves?
• What role can ethnobotanical work and knowledge play in combatting this?
world had their own ways of doing this before Western colonisation. Given that all of
Western science can be seen as being inherently tied to colonialism, what are your
thoughts on ethnobotany as a discipline emerging from colonialism?
• Can ethnobotanists ever escape this colonial history in their research, especially when
we live in a world where so many still suffer from the effects of colonialism inflicted
upon their ancestors and inflicted upon them themselves?
• What role can ethnobotanical work and knowledge play in combatting this?