In your textbook, read the two articles on pages 194 to 203. (Check files for the PDF)
“Leave Your Name at the Border” and “I, Wonder: Imagining a Black Wonder Woman”
Do questions 1-3 on page 197 and top of 198. Also do questions 1-3 on page 203.
Please ensure that your answers are 1-3 paragraphs each. Answers that are short and under-developed will be considered incomplete. These are questions that require your opinion and analysis. Please pay attention because the questions are 1-3 on each article and these questions have sub-questions within them.
You must elaborate and support your point of view or answers. Answers that do not show real understanding of the articles or that are too short will not be graded.
More information as requested: “Leave Your Name at the Border” and “I, Wonder: Imagining a Black Wonder Woman”
Do questions 1-3 on page 197 and top of 198. Also do questions 1-3 on page 203.
The questions are in your textbook. Read them carefully. Below is just an explanation of how to approach those questions in your book.
Read to Summarize – These questions are asking you to tell us what the article is about. Can you explain the main message? If you had to tell someone about the article, what would you say? You should show me you understand the article (one or two paragraph at least or more – no short responses).
Read to Respond – These questions are asking you to make a personal connection to what you read. Can you relate to anything? Have you (or someone you know had a similar experience?) What did you find interesting in the article? Why? What surprised you? How? Why? Make connections to your own similar experiences or share what you think. Your thoughts and opinions are important (one to two paragraphs at least).
Read to Analyze – These questions have blue bullets next to them. Answer all of them. Some answers are in the article but you also have to give your opinion also since you are supporting your responses with evidence from the text (two to three paragraphs response).