This assignment is for the course learning Reimagining Education for Teaching and Learning in Diverse Schools: A Policy Perspective.
Drawing on course readings in the attachments, write a 5-7 page Reflective Memo that is a re-visiting your
answer to the question (the original answer I wrote is in the attachment below)
– what role do you think educational policies have
played (or not played) in addressing these issues (the original answer I wrote is in the attrtive of the pedagogy and practice needed to achieve your post
played (or not played) in addressing these issues (the original answer I wrote is in the attrtive of the pedagogy and practice needed to achieve your post
-read the attached readings and have a reading reflection on your answer
Consider what you had learned through your involvement in this class and the course reading content that most directly relates to the policy recommendation you thought was the most important before you listened to the speakers or participated in the workshops. In other words, this assignment is a conceptual and reflective memo on the connections between teaching, learning, and leading for racial justice and
policy levers – e.g. legislation, litigation, or regulations. Given what you have learned, what would be the ideal future for our educational system in an increasingly racially, ethnically, and culturally complex society, and what role do policymakers and analysts play?
policy levers – e.g. legislation, litigation, or regulations. Given what you have learned, what would be the ideal future for our educational system in an increasingly racially, ethnically, and culturally complex society, and what role do policymakers and analysts play?
Suggested outline:
Part 1 (approximately 1 page):
-Reiterate response to Question 3 in Assignment #1
Part 2 (approximately 3-4 pages):
-reading, session, presentation #1
-reading, session, presentation #2
-reading, session, presentation #3
Part 3 (approximately 1-2 pages):
-what are the policy implications/recommendations that emerge? (i.e., name a policy)
questions should be addressed in paper:
1. What do the readings for the pre-Institute section of this class tell us about the ways in which race, ethnicity, and culture impact students’ school experiences?
2. What do these readings tell us about what is needed to achieve a meaningful antiracist education reform agenda, which could include integration, curriculum, assessment, teacher education, school discipline,
3. Building on the research and ideas about teaching and learning you have read in preparation for the Institute, what role do you think educational policies have played (or not played). a reflection based on what you know about policy