Reflective Portfolio a Bicultural Teacher • a Culturally Responsive Teacher • an Ethical Teacher

  Assignment Two | Tauanga mahi tuarua 60%
Reflective Portfolio
Learning Outcomes 1, 2 and 3
Academic Standards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Word Count 1800 words/600 words per area (excluding reflections/evidence and referencing)
Due 10pm, Wednesday 17th May 2023
This assignment introduces and explores a range of topics that will help you prepare for your second practicum
This assignment is designed to demonstrate your knowledge of being a professional teacher in the primary school
sector and develops and enhances this area of learning through reflection. A professional teacher is ethical,
bicultural, and culturally responsive and works cooperatively with those who share responsibility for the learning
and wellbeing of all tamariki.
The importance of social and emotional competency development is highlighted alongside considering ways in which
teaching practice and the development of the environment can best support all tamariki in their learning and
development. The application of documents such as Our code Our Standards, The New Zealand
Curriculum, Tātaiako and Tapasā are explored.
Engaging with all the listed readings and participating within the online conversations for this course will provide the
knowledge base required to complete this assignment.
Select a range of evidence (three pieces for each of the three bullet points below) from your reflective journal/online
discussions/assignments/observations/discussions/literature/video, etcetera, in your e-portfolio.
In 600 words for each of the three listed bullet points below. Critically reflect and analysis how you have made
progress in the role of the professional teacher from the start of stage one to now. Use the evidence to demonstrate
your understanding and knowledge of what it means to be:
• a Bicultural Teacher
• a Culturally Responsive Teacher
• an Ethical Teacher
Your discussion must clearly link your evidence to the Social and Emotional Competencies, and make links to Our
code Our Standards, The New Zealand Curriculum, Tātaiako and Tapasā
Your evidence must be attached/linked, and each piece must be easy to identify in your 600-word reflection for each
of the three bullet points listed above e.g., ethical teacher piece A, ethical teacher piece B, etcetera, or hyperlinked
in the reflection.
Marking criteria
To be granted a pass in this assignment, you must satisfy the following criteria:
• Evidence provided towards satisfying the learning outcomes 1,2, and 3.
• Proficiency demonstrated on the academic standards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
The assignment identifies and discusses:
• A clear understanding is shown of progress from the start of stage one to now in each of the following areas
as to your understanding and knowledge of what it means to be a bicultural teacher, a culturally responsive
teacher, and an ethical teacher.
• Appropriate links are made to the importance of Social and Emotional Competencies
• Relevant links are made to Our code Our Standards, The New Zealand Curriculum, Tātaiako and Tapasā
• School experiences are used as examples.
• Links to appropriate peer reviewed literature supports your understanding of the role of a teacher in
Aotearoa New Zealand.
The assignment will have:
• Reflection that is coherent and engaging.
• Writing conventions that are adhered to.
• Literature that is integrated appropriately to support claims, statements, and arguments.
• Correct APA 7th Edition reference format is used.   The New Zealnad curriculum

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