Reintroduction of Wolves to Yellowstone National Park Area – Environmental management and policy

Powerpoint Should Include:
  • Title, speaker (as you wish to be identified by your colleagues), date, venue (e.g., class details)
  • Identify the topic (Reintroduction of Wolves to Yellowstone National Park and surrounding area)
  • Geographic location
  • City, state, country; latitude/longitude; satellite map image
  • Historic background (when was the park established, why was the national park established, when did wolves disappear, when were they reintroduced)
  • Wildlife (what species reside in the park predators and prey)
  • Policy concerns (why were wolves reintroduced, are they endangered/population numbers, laws regarding the management of the wolf populations in yellowstone area and surrounding in each state/management operations)
  • References (use APA format)
Please include parenthetical citations (in-text) on each slide in addition to the References slide
Use peer reviewed research journal articles and government websites as sources 
Do not forget satelite image of the park/surrounding area

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