Religious sexual beliefs/tenets – choose one established religion and find official documents that describe that religion’s official view of:
• Premarital sex
• Birth control
• Divorce
• Masturbation
• Abortion
• Homosexuality
You may need to find the information in several different sources but it needs to be factual, not just what people say the view is.
4. Religious sexual beliefs/tenets – choose one established religion and find official documents that describe that religion’s official view of:
• Premarital sex
• Birth control
• Divorce
• Masturbation
• Abortion
• Homosexuality
You may need to find the information in several different sources but it needs to be factual, not just what people say the view is.
Each should be 2-3 pages long, double-spaced, written in 12 point font with 1 inch margins. Grammar counts, so ensure you proofread your work before submitting it.
Any source you use must be cited on a separate “References” page using APA format.Any source you use must be cited on a separate “References” page using APA format.