relying on the sample I attached, write an authentic action research educational project

In the next unit,  you will undertake an authentic action research educational project that not only advances the development of your skills and knowledge but also contributes in a meaningful way to the improvement of some aspect of educational knowledge, policy or practice. The EDU6164 Project Plan assignment provides a structure that will help you:

  • Clarify and justify your intentions: What are you hoping to achieve? What will be the outcomes of your project? Why is it an important thing to do?
  • Clarify and justify your approach to the project: What is your action research cycle? What exactly are you going to do? How are you going to do it? Why is this a good way to achieve your aims/objectives/outcomes?
  • Manage the practical demands, difficulties, and risks inherent in the project effectively and efficiently: Do I have the time, knowledge, skills and resources to complete this project? What skills/knowledge do I need to develop to execute this project effectively and how will I develop them?
  • Ensure your inquiry is undertaken according to the Australian Research Ethics Codes and ECU ethics policy and practice.


Word limit: (2500-3000 +/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

  • Draw together and reflect on your prior learning in a meaningful way
  • Increase your capacity for project planning


It is the endeavour of all unit coordinators to return assignments to students within a two-week timeframe from the due date. However, the assessment and moderation process in units where there is more than one tutor may require an extension of this time. Given the student numbers, it is expected that more than two weeks will be required for feedback to be distributed.

Written feedback on your assignment will utilise a bank of comments developed by Unit Coordinators and tailored for each assessment. Tutors will also provide a general comment. All rubrics will be updated to assist with further feedback. 

It is the responsibility of each student to keep an electronic copy of their assignment and, as proof of submission, their Turnitin receipt.



Your Project Plan will include:

  • A working title;
  • your I noticed…… statement
  • detail of the problem to be investigated;
  •  specific research question/s to be addressed by the project;
  • a description of, and research-informed justification for your project aims, objectives and outcomes;
  • a statement of the scope, limitations and boundaries you will apply to your project;
  • a description of, and research-informed justification (from the literature) for the action research approach you have chosen to undertake to answer your research question/s;
  • step-by-step breakdown of the inquiry project with timelines, significant milestones, and strategies for monitoring progress, quality;
  • outline of the potential risks (what can go wrong?), opportunities, and practical matters that might influence your successful completion of the investigation, and strategies you will adopt to ensure you can complete your project successfully:  on-time; within ethics; delivering the outcomes.
  • Reference List
  • Ethics Declaration Form

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