Remote Teaching and Behavioral Interventions: Technologies, Strategies, and Resources


To demonstrate your critical thinking skills and your understanding of the topic assigned below. 

Expected Outcome:

For this Portfolio Assignment, make sure that you:

  1. Insert a cover page with your name, course number, and your student ID;
  2. Include a list of references and abstract;
  3. Insert headings to indicate the assignment topic and chapter number;
  4. At the end of this Word document, indicate how would the material of this course be useful to you (e.g., in your future teaching).
  5. Follow the APA for writing (6th edition or newer).

The Portfolio consists of a 5-pages that researches the following topic:

“Remote Teaching and Behavioral Interventions: Technologies, Strategies, and Resources.”

You should provide at least three methods of current information and communication technologies, strategies, and resources for teaching remotely and conducting behavioral interventions virtually. These include but are not limited to Zoom, WebEx, Canvas, Teamwork, Google Drive, and the use of Telehealth for mental health, special education, reading, or behavior analytics interventions/strategies for children with developmental disabilities. Therefore, your goal will be to provide different instructional strategies to teach students remotely about appropriate technology usage that helps facilitate their learning and understanding.

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