Report: Analyzing Renewable Energy′s Role in a Country′s Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

Select any country of interest to you.
Provide an analysis of the role of solar or wind energy to contribute to a low carbon economy in the country of your choice. You can think about the current capacity installed and the potential. You can make regressions or use any other method to estimate the growth. Use a target date of 2035.

Provide your own estimate of the tonnes of greenhouse gases that can be avoided by adopting more solar or wind energy sources. Use a target date of 2035. Think about the current energy mix for the country of interest. Assume that the energy mix changes and gives place to more solar or wind (while removing some fossil fuels).

Assume that the price of the carbon released to the atmosphere is $25 per tonne. Estimate the potential savings that may result from the avoided emissions estimated in the previous question.

Compare the potential savings against the capital cost of installing solar or wind energy infrastructure. You may need to search and find this cost. Provide your opinion: is this investment worth it? Why?

How can businesses benefit from the adoption of solar or wind energy? What business opportunities arise from the adoption of green power sources in your country of interest.

Submit a 2-4 pages report including text and images. Free-format. In addition, include an appendix. Your calculations shall be added in the appendix, at the end of the 2-4 pages report. The length and format of the appendix are entirely up to you (but please, do not extend too much)

Include your references in APA format and the text in report should be 2-4 pages.

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