Find an article from the internet about a teacher who has been accused of breaking legal or ethical standards for educators. In addition, I want you to focus on articles that only involve legal or ethical issues for Texas teachers.Please look beyond what pops up first; many legal cases in Texas revolve around ethical violations, even some in Corpus Christi.
Once you have found something that interests you, I want you to write a reflective essay in which you will 1) summarize the article and then 2) reflect upon the resolution of the event. Further, I want you to write a reflection about the event and its outcome (what you think about the situation and what should have happened). Sometimes you will see that teachers are not punished; some may get too severely punished. In your reflection, address these questions: was the punishment just, did the punishment go too far, was the punishment not stern enough for the violation, and what do you think the appropriate punishment would be? Please include the website address at the end of your essay.