1st Phase of Research Article Critique
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the student’s understanding of research principles and methods in social work research, as well as the ability to be a good consumer of research literature and findings.
The critique paper must be written using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and be in APA
6th edition format. The critique paper should be 3 – 5 double–spaced typed pages using 12–point
font and one–inch margins.
Below is the format to use for organizing your article critique.
1. Introduction/Purpose
What is the purpose of the study? Is there adequate background about the problem and
why it is being studied?
2. Research Question/Problem
What is the research problem and research question(s)? How are the
hypotheses/research questions to be examined and/or tested? Are the research
questions/ hypotheses clearly connected to the research problem and the literature
3. Variables
What are the variables of the study? How are the independent (intervention) and
dependent (outcome) variable(s) conceptually and operationally defined? Are there
additional variables? Identify and describe them.
4. Sample
Who is the sample? Is the sample representative of the greater population? How is the
sample for this study’s research problem applicable to diverse groups of people and
populations at risk? What methods are used to identify research participants and how
was the sample selected? What were the procedures used to ensure that human
subjects were protected from any adverse impact of their participation in the study?
5. Method/Data Collection/Data Analysis
What methods of research are used in the study? Is there a study design that is
explained and how is the design described? How were the data gathered in this study?
What are the measures/instruments used? How were the data analyzed? If
statistics/statistical tests were presented in the study were they appropriately
explained? What do they mean? How the results are presented (tables, figures)? Are
they clear?
6. Findings/Conclusions
What were the major findings of the study and how did the author interpret and explain
the findings? What are the implications of the findings for social work practice or
policy? What are the limitations of the study? Does the author present areas for further
research and study?
7. Critique
Were each of the sections developed appropriately? Why or why not? Were the
sections described thoroughly? Why or why not? What did the authors do well? What
information was left out?