Research Critique: Quantitative Assignment on Technology’s Integration into Education

 Please review the attachments. The instructions, example, rubric, and template are included. 

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Select one quantitative peer-reviewed research study
published in an article related to your topic of interest. All articles must
be of educational studies conducted and published in the United States or
Canada within the past five years.
You may not use meta-analyses or
meta-syntheses; all research evaluated must be original. You may not use
longitudinal studies.

After thoroughly reviewing the study in the selected
article, compose a full three-page review (not including the required title and
references pages). Brevity is crucial as it forces you to include only the most
essential information. An abstract should not be included.   

Using the provided Research Critique: Quantitative

Provide a brief, three-sentence introductory
paragraph introducing the article and the purpose of the critique. Note the
article author’s last name with the appropriate in-text citation.

Under the Summary heading (Level 1), provide the
following information. The short paragraph under each Level 2 heading (see
template) should have at least three sentences.

o   Purpose
of the study

o   Description
of participants/sample (e.g., who, how many, selection method used)

Research design(s) (e.g., experimental,
quasi-experimental, casual-comparative, descriptive, correlational, regression,
etc.). See the Read: Quantitative Research: Common Types of Analyses and
Research Designs
item in the Learn section of this module for comprehensive
information about research designs.

Method(s) of data collection (e.g., survey,
test, questionnaire, GPA, etc.). Think about what types of data were collected,
when they were collected, and how.

Method(s) of statistical analysis (e.g., t-test,
ANOVA, ANCOVA, chi-square, Pearson Product-Moment correlation, Spearman rho,
etc.). See the Read: Quantitative Research: Common Types of Analyses and
Research Designs
item in the Learn section of this module for comprehensive
information about common types of analyses.

Note: If the article you selected does not identify
how the data was statistically analyzed, it is likely the article is either not
a quantitative study or not an actual research report but a summary of a study.
In this case, you must select another article.

Results – be specific
with statistical data findings and provide a layman’s interpretation

Under the Critical Analysis heading (Level 1), the
short paragraph under each Level 2 heading (see template) should have at least three
sentences. Think critically through the research study’s main points. Who was
the intended audience? Did the author clearly communicate the main points to
the intended audience? Did the author provide adequate support to back their
claims? Also address the following items:

Opportunities for further research not already
stated in the article

Threats to validity or rival hypotheses not
already discussed (validity of the research can be explored by discussing the

Other original insights or criticism

Implications of the findings (who, possibly researchers or practitioners, can use the
findings and how)

One peer-reviewed source
(your textbook or other research study) in addition to the article you are
critiquing should be cited in this section to support your opinions of the
validity of the study, its research methods, and/or findings.

Under the Discussion heading (Level 1), provide
the following in a minimum of five sentences:

o   Insight
from your professional experience as related to the issue in the article

o   Connection
to the topic you are considering researching for your degree

o   Biblical

Reference page (Level 1 heading):  Include a references page with three
references: the article being critiqued, the Bible, and one additional
peer-reviewed resource to support your claims.

Current APA formatting
is expected throughout your paper. The Research Critique: Quantitative
has been provided for your reference.


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via
the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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