Research paper over State of the U.S. Income Inequality between years 2015 and 2016

  1. In your analysis of the macroeconomic data, you will notice that the
    U.S. economy passed through a major recession. Based on research,
    discuss the underlying causes of the income inequality in the US.
    Identify at least three policies implemented by the government to deal
    with income inequality in the US.
  2. Evaluate the expected and actual effects of each policy. Your
    response needs to include the name of the policy, description of the
    policy, how it has been implemented, and discussion of expected and
    actual outcomes in terms of the income inequality data given above.
  3. After close observation of the different perspectives discussed in
    the course, share your position on the effectiveness of the government
    policies to deal with income inequality in the country.
  1. As part of the economy, each of us is affected by the state of the
    economy and the actions policy makers take to stabilize or advance it.
    Conclude by sharing why understanding these actions and outcomes matter
    to you as an individual who is part of the economic system. How do they
    affect the society/economy? What could be done differently? Share
    personal examples and experiences 
  2. introduction
  • Description of the State of the U.S. Income Inequality between 2015 and 2016
  • Analysis of Economic Policies to address Income inequality
  • Personal Reflections and
  • Conclusion
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