Research question: Does Effective Classroom Management Prevent Discipline Problems?
Identify relationships wothin the concept as well asidentify the most important concepts for students at a particular grade level (kindergarten).
For the “data analysis” section of your paper you need to answer the following two questions (make sure to differentiate the quantitative and qualitative methods used):
1. How are you going to organize/classift the collected data?
2. How are you going to analyze and interpret the data (make sure you know the difference between the two).
Think about how you will analyze each data source that you have indicated in your data collection plan. Rembmber: dont collect data when you dont know what you are going to do with it. For each data source, identified in your data collection matrix, identify appropriate data analysis and data interpretation approaches.
You should label the different sections in your paper according to the rubric criteria: introduction, literature review (1 page), research questions, participants, instruments for collecting data, analysis of results, dissemination, importance of the study. In the “results” section you are going to describe how you will analyze the collected data, since this is just a proposal and you will not have any results at this point.
Side note: Attached you will find the literature review and the annotated bib that was submitted prior to the final paper. Therefore, you will only need to dedicate/compose atleast 1 page to the literature review for the final. However, if these sources do not help towards the completiton of the paper, feel free to use what is neccessary. The specific grade level is for kindergarten since I am a teacher assistant.