(Research Report paper) “What is the relationship between stress relief and working out?”

Instructions for Research Report Paper

The paper will consist of three primary sections: Introduction, Method, and Discussion.
Below is a description of each section and a rubric for the final paper.
My Reserch question- What is the relationship between stress relief and working out? 
My Hypothesis: Frequent exercise leads to less stress levels within people’s lives. 

These are my sources/citations below for the essay—
1. Churchill, R. Exercise interventions for stress reduction in older adult populations: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Academic Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21642850.2022.2125874
2. Simpson, R. J. Exercise, and adrenergic regulation of immunity. Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2021.07.010
3. Maher, J. P. Physical activity is positively associated with college students’ positive affect regardless of stressful life events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2020.101826
4. Jacquart, J. Using exercise to facilitate arousal reappraisal and reduce stress reactivity: A randomized controlled trial. Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mhpa.2020.100324

Introduction/Literature Review (3 pages): Present a general purpose of the paper (presenting
your topic) and provide an overview of the literature that covers information relevant to both the
independent and dependent variables. The literature review should provide previous research that
supports your hypotheses. The introduction section should end with a statement of purpose (e.g.,
The purpose of the present study is to identify the relationship between student type and school
spirit in college students). The final sentence should be a presentation of your hypothesis (e.g., It
is hypothesized that…)
Method Section (1 – 2 pages): explains what was done and must include three sections:
Participants: This subsection provides information about the total sample size for the study, the
number of women and men, the mean and standard deviation of age, a breakdown of the
ethnicities, or other applicable descriptive information that relates to your study.
Procedure: A step-by-step guide of how you conducted your research. This should be discussed
in detail, so that other researchers know exactly what the participants went through in order to set
up the study in the exact same way.
Measures: Provide information of what the IV and the DV are. Provide an overview of the
measures used, including: the number of items in the scale and possible response options. You
should also provide information about how the scale was scored. For each published measure
that you describe, you should provide the citation for it.
Discussion Section (2 – 3 pages) – Review results, sets the results into a larger context, and
relates your findings to prior research that was discussed in your literature review. The following
points should be addressed:
Summary of the main findings (without numbers), following by conclusions for the analysis
(e.g., There is a significant difference between X and Y in population A).
Discussion of the implications of the findings; perhaps you can think of some clinical
implications, public policy implications, theoretical implications, etc.
Discussion of the limitations of the current study. How can your methodology be strengthened?
Discussion of future directions (perhaps your analyses lead to new questions). What do your
results mean for the research of future scholars?
End with a conclusion, in which you present a takeaway message.
Additional RequirementsYou will be required to find a minimum of 4 research (empirical) articles that should be cited in the introduction and discussion. These must be peer-reviewed and published in academic
The paper MUST be in APA format. This includes a title page and a reference page.
Your paper will be submitted on Canvas and run through SafeAssign, a plagiarism detection tool.
Please see the syllabus regarding the policy on plagiarism

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