1. Students are to create a Research Report on the following topic:
Will the implementation of capital punishment lower the number of heinous crimes (murder, rape, etc) committed in Canada?
Comment from customer:
I’ve already started this. The draft copy is attached: Draft Research Report.docx. I will need you to edit and add information per the instructions given below.
2. All 8 of the following resources must be incorporated into the Research Report to support the statements made. Be sure to make in-text citations (APA-7) when making references.
Comment from customer:
In my draft, I’ve only incorporated 2 or 3 of the resources. I will need you to refine them and incorporate all 8 of the resources into the Research Report.
Source 1:
Radelet, M. L., & Borg, M. J. (2000). The Changing Nature of Death Penalty Debates. Annual Review of Sociology, 26(1), 43–61. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.soc.26.1.43
Attached: Resource 1.pdf
Source 2:
Poplak, L. (2022, December 10). Opinion: Sixty years after Canada’s last execution, the discussion about capital punishment has not gone away. The Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-sixty-years-after-canadas-last-execution-the-discussion-about-capital/
Attached: Resource 2.pdf
Source 3:
Miske, O., Schweitzer, N.J., & Horne, Z. (2021). What information shapes and shifts people’s attitudes about capital punishment?. School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Arizona State University. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/z6cxd
Attached: Resource 3.pdf
Source 4:
The John Howard Society of Ontario. (2001). The Death Penalty: Any nation’s shame. A publication of the John Howard Society of Ontario. Retrievable from: https://johnhoward.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/the-death-penalty-any-nations-shame-march-2001.pdf
Attached: Resource 4.pdf
Source 5:
Radelet, M. L., & Lacock, T. L. (2009). Do executions lower homicide rates?: The views of leading criminologists. Recent Developments, 99, 489-508. https://files.deathpenaltyinfo.org/legacy/files/DeterrenceStu
Attached: Resource 5.pdf
Source 6:
Ehrenfreund, M. (2014, April 30). There’s still no evidence that executions deter criminals. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/04/30/theres-still-no-evidence-that-executions-deter-criminals/
Attached: Resource 6.pdf
Source 7:
Rancourt, M., Ouellet, C., & Dufresne, Y. (2020). Is the Death Penalty Debate Really Dead? Contrasting Capital Punishment Support in Canada and the United States. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 20(1), 536–562. https://doi.org/10.1111/asap.12213
Attached: Resource 7.pdf
Source 8:
Ogrodnik, I. (2012, May 15). The Victoria Stafford file: Should Canada bring back the death penalty? Global News. https://globalnews.ca/news/245523/the-victoria-stafford-file- should-canada-bring-back-the-death-penalty-2/
Attached: Resource 8.pdf
3. The Research Report must follow the following template:
A. A clear and concise introductory paragraph that contains:
i. Background on the general topic that the paper will cover
ii. A clear thesis sentence that describes what the authors will argue/demonstrate/describe
iii. A description of the goal of the report
iv. A description of how the report will be organized to fulfill its goals
B. Several body paragraphs where the authors
i. Utilize the resources they have gathered
ii. Achieve the goals they have set in the introduction through careful and logical argumentation/description
C. A concluding paragraph that:
i. Briefly summarizes the report
ii. Does not introduce new insights
4. Thoroughly go over the entire Research Report, from Introduction to Conclusion and ensure everything is well written, supported with resources, and connected.