Assignment 2: Response Essay (15%)
Instructions: Write a detailed response to any one of the following articles from They Say/I Say, Chapter 20:
How Can We Bridge the Differences That Divide Us?
Sean Blanda: The “Other Side” Is Not Dumb
Danah Boyd: Why America Is Self-Segregating
Kelly Coryell, All Words Matter: The Manipulation Behind “All Lives Matter”
Michelle Alexander: The New Jim Crow
John Mcwhorter: Could Black English Mean A Prison Sentence?
J.D. Vance: What Hillbilly Elegy Reveals About Race In Twenty-First-Century America
Lisa R. Pruitt: What J. D. Vance Says And Does Not Say About Race
Suketu Mehta: Jobs, Crime, And Culture: The Threats That Aren’t
David Frum, How Much Immigration Is Too Much? The Wrong Debate
*For more information on writing a response, read Part 4, “YES / NO / OK, BUT”: Three Ways to Respond in They Say/I Say, pages 57-71
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*Include an introductory paragraph consisting of your thesis statement and well-developed lead-in sentences, at least three supporting paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
The essay must include direct quotations (using quotation marks) from the essay to which you are responding. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a “D for
the assignmeni
* The essav must he at least 750 words. Failure to meet this reauirement will result in at most a “D” for the assionment
*The essav must be double-spaced. 12-point size tvpe, Times New Roman font