Write an abstract, results and discussion section for the research proposal attached.
Results section should include:
- Hypothesis is: social media addiction negatively effects social skills of adolescents and college students
- made up statistics that support the hypothesis; use a t test to report results; for example: “There was a significant difference in miles per gallon between fuel treatment (M = 22.75, SD = 3.25) and no fuel treatment (M = 21, SD = 2.73); t(11) = -2.244, p = . 046”
- explain how statistics support hypothesis
Discusion Section should include:
- findings of research
- it should tie in with literature review/introduction section
- talk about strength and weaknesses of study and implication of findings
- Please head each section by strength, weaknesses, and implication of findings
- and a conclusion section: this should summarize literature review and findings