Revise current workflows related to packaging at one of your tea factories to be more sustainable and more lean

Revise current workflows
related to packaging at one of your tea factories to be more sustainable and
more lean. As this is their first project, you will be helping them complete
their task.


Read through the Project
Charter for Workflow Improvement Word Document
, then review the Process
Workflow for Tea Production Word Document
. Based on these
documents, recommend removing a total of four steps from the
process flowchart that can help make the process more efficient and
sustainable. Explain the implications of the proposed changes, and then help
the NationaliTeas team address current items in the Issue Log located in the
project charter.

Specifically, you must
address the following rubric criteria:

  • Lean
    Evaluate the process flowchart to identify steps that do not add value
    based on the principles of lean manufacturing. Explain why you selected
    each step.
  • Sustainability: Evaluate the
    process flowchart and identify steps that should be removed or changed to
    improve environmental sustainability. Explain why you selected each step.
  • Process Changes: Explain the
    implications, both positive and negative, of removing or changing the
    steps from the process flowchart you identified in the previous two bullet
    points. Also explain how those changes would help alignment to the triple
    bottom line (TBL).
  • Issue Log: Analyze all
    entries in the Issue Log from the perspective of a project manager and
    explain the recommended course of action based on the project charter,
    noting the impact of the issue on scope, planning communications, and
  • Operations Management
    Discuss how operations management techniques, including project management
    and lean manufacturing, can add value to NationaliTeas.

for Submission

Submit this assignment as
a 350- to 500-word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA

Please use sources easily found through Google searches, nothing too scholarly. 

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