Your animal based paper should address the following points:
1) Begin by citing the article using authors’ last names and year of publication, and a statement introducing the focus of the study. A hypothesis is an educated guess that the researcher makes before completing the study about what he or she will find. What hypotheses do the researchers have in regard to the study, or what research question is addressed? What are the basic points that support the generation of that hypothesis?
2)Clearly indicate what behavioral phenomenon is being studied and show that you understand the phenomenon by defining it and using the appropriate terminology at all times.
3)For this study, animals serve as the focus. What reasons do the authors give for using the particular species for this research? Do the authors’ suggest any applications of this research to human behavioral change? If so, how do they justify generalizing from the animal model?
4)Identify the manipulated independent variable(s), and the measured dependent variable(s in the study. Indicate any variables that are being controlled by the researchers. Identify the research design and briefly describe the research procedure. Address any procedural concerns that you might have about the research design. What are the ethical issues that might be raised for this study and how are they addressed by the researchers?
5)What are the results of the study? Do they support the researcher’s original hypothesis, or provide a clear answer to the original question? Why or why not? Can you identify any applications of the findings to human subjects? Suggest a potential follow-up question for future research. NOTE: Do not use terms such are prove, disprove, proof, truth, or true in referring to the meaning of research results. A single study does not establish proof or truth.
6)Write an APA style reference for the article you read. Include one for the textbook as well, if you cited it in the paper. Use the following reference as a model: