SAS Institute and how the four Factors That Have the Strongest Influence over Work Behaviors are managed by them
Below is the prompt and below that I’ve listed links to the reading material and figures it references:
Read the mini-case study in section 2.1. “Case in Point: SAS Institute Invests in Employees.” The study generally discusses the approach of a major software company to its employees. Then, consider the “Factors That Have the Strongest Influence over Work Behaviors” from figure 2.15. Describe how each of the four factors is managed by SAS. Do you agree or disagree with the firm’s approach and policies? Why or why not?
NOTE: Additional reading can be found at (this can be used as a source)
Prepare a two-page (double-spaced) essay. Cite references, using APA format, for any material that you use in preparing the essay.
Papers will be assessed using the following criteria:
- Describes each of the four factors clearly and correctly.
- Provides an example of how each of the four factors is managed.
- Clearly states a position of whether they agree or not with the policies.
- Writing is clear. Used appropriate grammar and writing to express ideas. References (if used) were cited properly.
- Paper is 500-600 words in length, not including the title and reference pages.
- All sources are identified in the paper and listed at the end
These are the readings.
Section 2.1:
Figure 2.15:
The provided readings can be used as a source! Citation would be as follows:
Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1.
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