Search Warrant Exceptions – What does our Fourth Amendment REALLY mean?? Are warrants ALWAYS required??
After completing this week’s assigned reading: Chapter7, 8,9
Book: Harr, J. Scott, Hess, Karen, Orthmann, Christine, and Kingsbury, Jonathon. (2015). Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System. 7th Edition. Stamford, CT: Cengage. ISBN: 13: 978-1-285-45796-3.Book: Harr, J. Scott, Hess, Karen, Orthmann, Christine, and Kingsbury, Jonathon. (2015). Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System. 7th Edition. Stamford, CT: Cengage. ISBN: 13: 978-1-285-45796-3.
The general rule, based on the Fourth Amendment is that warrants are required for ALL searches conducted by law enforcement. However, there are many carved out exceptions that have been judge-made based on practical or safety reasons.
Research each of the exceptions to the search warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment.
List and describe them. Additionally, discuss why the court original carved out that exception to the warrant requirement.
Give an example of each one – do not use your book example, but please feel free to be creative in the factual scenario you make up. (We will all enjoy your creativity!!!)
**Be sure to note source requirements and word count requirements, as well as due dates for maximum credit. Additionally each post should be content/substance “rich” – not merely agreeing or disagreeing with peers. Please refer the syllabus for detailed explanations and never hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.