For this assessment:
- Select a celebrity or other famous person who has been diagnosed with a disorder listed in the DSM-5-TR.
- Describe the diagnosis, discussing and citing each criterion from the DSM-5-TR that the client fits and does not fit for that diagnosis.
- Analyze their quality of life as someone with this disorder:
- How has the disorder impeded or limited their success?
- How did it enhance their success?
- Find a journal article that discusses this disorder and analyze how the article’s discussion of the diagnosis compares to the behaviors the individual displays.
- Analyze treatments for the diagnosis of the chosen person and support why they would be recommended.
- At least one of these treatments should come from a current, peer-reviewed journal article.
- Discern how, as a professional in the field of psychology, you would use the information from the article to inform your professional behavior.
Be sure to write your paper in APA format, cite all references in APA style, and include a reference list. Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX] to format your paper in APA style.
Additional Requirements
- Title page: Include your name, course, date, and faculty member.
- References: The DSM-5-TR, your textbook, and two or more peer-reviewed journal articles.
- Written communication: Written communication is free from errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
- Length of paper: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.