Select a situation where you have issues about your motivation and/or performance. Your options are fairly open as the issue can be related to work, personal, or interpersonal. A good initial place would be items in your time log that you identified as areas for development. Another area would be the recommendations in your Profile Analysis papers. Or, something related to our other class sessions.
Some people, as a last resort, use Expectancy Theory to explain their intended grade target at this point in the course (My grade is at low C-). I will not hold it against you if you are no longer shooting for an A in the course. In fact, Expectancy Theory may demonstrate/justify a decision to have a B as your current desired outcome J
Within the paper:
State your issue and the goal you have set in reference to your objective concerning the issue. Analyze your goal(s) vis a via the 4 elements of the SCAF criteria.
List and briefly describe the 3 questions related to Expectancy Theory.
Here you explicitly define the technical elements regarding the three questions. Your conceptual understanding should be evident in how well you apply it to your example. Have the question (in either form E–> P or βCan I do it?β) as your section heading, then present your brief explanation of how to calculate your response to the question. Think in terms of how we presented the model at the beginning of our motivation session.
Within the 3 elements, analyze your issue using each element to explain the dynamics of the situation and your specific personal response (yes/no, intended action) regarding that element.
Be sure to go beyond a simple, surface level description in your application of the element (Can I do it?) to your selected example. Each of the three has a deeper dynamic. For example, in terms of E –> P, the issue is not just the direct effort to performance; there is also the issue of resources and capital that you will need to assess, as well as Human Capital and Psychological Capital. By the same token, βWhat do I get?β is not a singular item such as a grade. There are often secondary outcomes involved (GPA, etc) as well as looking at the types of outcomes (intrinsic vs extrinsic; financial, social, political – only need to do one of the models). I will be most focused on the details for E –>P, moderately focused on P –> O.
Most people will write the first question (E –> P) then provide their example, move to the next question and example, and then the third.
Expectancy Therapy: the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, that good performance will be rewarded, and that they will be offered attractive rewards
effort -> performance
perofrmance -> outcome
motivation (3 questions)
1. can i do it
2. what do i get
3. is it worth it
s: specific (focus and direct effort…CA parenting as long as you try )
c: challenging (energize effort…confront challenge together (as group))
a: accept; “initiate effort”
f:feedback “adjust effort” (how did i do?)