To become more aware of critical aspects of the service encounter from a customer’s perspective. This is accomplished on a “public” forum (e.g., the discussion board) to also allow students to examine how others perceive and rate service they’ve received.
We all have a number of such encounters each week, including (but not limited to) restaurants, banks, airlines, dry cleaners, doctors, dentists, libraries, photographers, tutors, travel agencies, theaters, pest control agencies, phone companies, automotive mechanics, insurance companies, attorneys, accountants, and copy centers. You are to keep a “journalâ€� of service encounter experiences. The purpose is to make you more aware of your and other students’ sources of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction with services.
You are to complete a post describing a recent service encounter (i.e., those occurring during this semester). The questions to be answered and included below. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY EMPLOYEE NAMES IN YOUR RESPONSES but be sure to otherwise completely and thoroughly answer the questions. It is recommended to write and save your responses on a separate document then paste them into your post below.
Throughout the semester you are expected to record an assortment of types of encounters from a wide variety of service industries (i.e., do not do all restaurants); about half of the journal entries should describe satisfying encounters and the other half very dissatisfying ones. The best way to complete your journal is to answer the questions immediately following a particular incident. If you try to do your entries from memory, the quality of the entries will suffer. Your inclusion of the important details of the service encounter will help you in writing your Service Encounter Paper at the end of the semester.
JOURNAL ENTRY QUESTIONS (Be sure to answer all 10 prompts)
- Date and Time of Encounter:
- Name of Firm:
- Type of Service (industry):
- What specific circumstances led to this encounter?
- What exactly did the firm/employee say or do?
- From 1 to 7, how would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (1: Extremely dissatisfied, 7: Extremely satisfied)
- What exactly made you feel this way?
- What could the employee/firm have done to make you happier with this encounter?
- From 1 to 7, how likely would you revisit this service firm? (1: Extremely unlikely, 7: Extremely likely)
- Why?