Share your future education,career, and/or lofe goals and how your diagnosis and life experiences have shaped these goals

This is an essay on why a scholarship would help me so much in my career field 

So I got to write an essay on why I want to go to barbering school so I can be a future barber…I want to cut peoples hair all over the world and make millions to bless those in need

I’ve had cancer right after I graduated high school and I got it right now too but I’m going to push threw like I did the first time
There’s a guide on what to share in the essay
1.share how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals-it will help because barbering is what I want to do, I’ve been cutting hair since 16 now I just want to go all around the world and cut hair
2-share how your diagnosis has impacted your leadership abilitys- fighting non Hodgkin lymphoma taught me how to be tough and be mindful of others , there was a time where my coworkers were making fun of an old lady and I stood up for her
.I’m 19 with lymphoma I had it when I was 18 aswell
.I was feeling horrible around the end of my senior year but I never told nobody because that’s just a masculine thing I grew up on
.lymphoma cause me to throw up, make my skin dry …just feel horrible
.It broke my heart when I found out I had lymphoma both times I cried in the hospital bed
.I grew up in poverty
.I want to be a professional barber
.I want to cut hair all over the world
.I want to go to barbering school so I can unlock the next step in my dream job because I need to be licensed 
.I want to donate to multiple organization if I become wealthy
.lymphoma made me very ambitious because sitting in that hospital felt like a laboratory and I felt like a lab rat , so when I finished all I wanted to do was go out in the world because life’s not promised

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