6000 words , havard referances with citation with a minimium of 6 and no more that 12 reseach papers based on more so on the english and usa
This a more so a reseach review,
Define your main topic question and then; define 3 or more sub questions that will allow you to answer/speak to the objective/question
Step 2 – Plan your review –
eligibility criteria ( inclusion/exclusion) – critical appraisal process- etc)
Step 3 – Conduct your search
Using the content from step 1 & 2 – define and execute your search strategy – do not forget to include “grey literature”. –
Step 4 – Screen the results to match your criteria in step 2
Ensure that they meet your criteria (as set in Step 2).
Ensure that you have a min of 6 and a max of 12 papers reviewed)
Step 5 – Extract relevant data (note : narrative content is data too) from the studies you have screened and chosen
Typically, you will garnish 500 – 1000 words from each of your selected papers
Step 6 – Write it up !!! Step 1 – Define a review topic, objective and sub questions
The Introduction
What is the ‘research aim’?
Discussion on 6 to 12 reseach papers on
Seacrch strategies