Α2. Proposed Dίssertatίon Tίtle (Englίsh) *
Shifting to e-banking along with changes and simplifications of the procedures in the banking sector after the coronavirus era, have contributed to an increasing number of e-frauds. Το what extent is this a responsibility of the banks or the users and which measures would be more effective in diminishing the problem?
e commerce, e-frauds and banking responsibility after the covid-19.
Β. Summary & Importance of the topίc *
(<1500 characters, 250 words)
During the coronavirus but also after the peak of this crisis, the use of online shopping, using electronic means of payment and cards, grew rapidly. The simplification of certain procedures on the part of the Banks and the insufficient information of the customers regarding the use of electronic media, while at the same time there is a constant, increasing tension of services and commerce carried out via the Internet! It is a combination , with the ignorance of the people creating the assumptions that the number of electronic frauds is increasing. The different forms of an electronic fraud, the responsibility of both the user and the Bank, as well as the ways-measures to prevent an electronic fraud are the issues that will concern us.During the coronavirus but also after the peak of this crisis, the use of online shopping, using electronic means of payment and cards, grew rapidly. The simplification of certain procedures on the part of the Banks and the insufficient information of the customers regarding the use of electronic media, while at the same time there is a constant, increasing tension of services and commerce carried out via the Internet! It is a combination , with the ignorance of the people creating the assumptions that the number of electronic frauds is increasing. The different forms of an electronic fraud, the responsibility of both the user and the Bank, as well as the ways-measures to prevent an electronic fraud are the issues that will concern us.During the coronavirus but also after the peak of this crisis, the use of online shopping, using electronic means of payment and cards, grew rapidly. The simplification of certain procedures on the part of the Banks and the insufficient information of the customers regarding the use of electronic media, while at the same time there is a constant, increasing tension of services and commerce carried out via the Internet! It is a combination , with the ignorance of the people creating the assumptions that the number of electronic frauds is increasing. The different forms of an electronic fraud, the responsibility of both the user and the Bank, as well as the ways-measures to prevent an electronic fraud are the issues that will concern us.
D. Provίsίonal Dίssertatίon Outlίne *
Chapter Tίtles Ι Μain Headings. (<1500 characters, 250 words)
• kinds of e commerce
• Meanίng of phising, smishing, νίshίng
• Banking systems- use of ebankίng and card
• Analysing the dίff erent kίnds of frauds
• Methods of the correct use of e banking and cards in internet
• Ε fraud preνention measures
C. Topίc classίfίcatίon
The classification categories are presented ίη the Dissertation h a ndbook for the Master ‘s degree program η Business Administration (ΜΒΑ) pp. 5-7.
Cl. Topίc classίfίcatίon: Research Area *