Should environmental activists support nuclear power as a short-term alternative to fossil fuels?

Revise the attached essay. The essay shpould show substantial revision from the original copy. This project will be evaluated on the amount of labor put into transforming the draft. Also consult the guidelines and rubric attached. 

Consult and address the following feedback on the essay:
The last body paragraph addresses potential counterarguments, which is a good impulse. However, they aren’t really argued against each of them in substance, which ends up weakening the argument right before the conclusion. Consider moving these counterarguments to other earlier paragraphs that they might connect to. Then use formulas like this to address them as a productive part of the argumentation: “Some say X, but this view overlooks Y.” That kind of concession response structure or similar formulations will allow you to address the counterpoints in substance without compromising the position you’ve staked out.
Also, one of the most critical arguments for nuclear energy is the timeframe associated with climate change. Advocates contend that nuclear power is the only non-carbon source that could generate enough energy in the short term to stop thye crisis before it worsens. That’s an important point to address also.

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