Should federal and state governments subsidize the production and sale of electric vehicles?

Read the articles titled ” Can Electric Vehicles Succeed Without Government Support?” and “Electric Cars: Owned by Few, Subsidized by All.” ( the link below). Write a 2-3 page essay responding to the following question, “Should federal and state governments subsidize the production and sale of electric vehicles?” Firts, state your position with a thesis statment at the beginning. Next, in the paragraph identify and summarize at least three arguments mentioned in the firts article in favor of subsidizing electric vehicles. Then, in another paragraph identify and summarize at leasy three arguments mentioned in the second articles against sbubsidizing electric vehicles. These two paragraphs are only summaries and should not be commentary. Finally, tell me what your position is with repect to the question. Take a position on the question and argue for that position. Give at least three reasons for your position and explain each of your reasons in three distinct paragraphs. Use details from the articles to support your position. I will be looking for the following: a thesis statement to begin the essay and which establishes your position, a thorough but concise summary of the argument made for and against the question in the two summary paragraphs, followed by a statement and defense of your position to include three distinct paragraphs elaborating on each of the three reasons you cited in support your position. The paper will also be evaluated for appropriate grammar, punctuation, spelling, and following the format.

* Brief introduction with thesis statement.
* Summary of at least 3 arguments in favor of the question.
* Summary of at least 3 arguments against the question.
* Your position with explaination ( At least 3 reasons, 3 paragraphs).
Your thesis statement should be a single sentence that reads, “I support/oppose government subsidizing the production and sale of electric vehicles for reasons….. A…., ……B…..,…..C…….”

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