There are controversies surrounding mental health disorders that have been included or excluded from the DSM 5. One of the proposed disorders that will be considered for the next version of DSM is “Internet Gaming Disorder� (IGD). Currently, IGD is listed in DSM 5 as a condition warranting more clinical research and experience. The rationale for considering IGD as a clinical disorder is its similarity to other addictions. For example, “gamers� may play excessively to the exclusion of other interests; their persistent gaming activity may result in clinically significant distress and impairment; and they may experience symptoms of withdrawal when access to gaming is removed. Others believe that IGD is an example of DSM overreach and overpathologizing. Please weigh-in with a reasoned opinion on the controversy. Should be 300 words.
Should Internet Gaming Disorder be considered a legitimate DSM disorder? Please share your perspective and reasoning