Using the data, intructions, and lab manual attached, I need to write the final formal lab report.
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Lab 10 worksheet – Formal lab report
Materials: lab manual and the data included in the attached document.
Write a lab report with full sentences and paragraphs, everything in your own words.
Use the following structure:β¨β¨
– describe the system studied and how these elements relate to each other: plant embryo, GA, ABA, aleurone cells, hydrolytic enzymes (amylase), starch, simple sugars, germination and growth
– describe what the samples you used in the lab are and how they were produced (petri dish grown aleurone cells, treated with the conditions described in the table below (include it in your report), then the media was collected as the sample; we test the media for the presence of amylase
– describe how you tested the samples (1mL of starch (get concentration from the lab manual), incubated with 15uL of each sample for 20 sec, 1mL of IKI (describe purpose of IKI), diluted with 4mL water, absorbance measured at 625nm. What is the source of absorbance?)
Include your data, format it neatly for presentation. You will Use the data provided by the instructor in the attached word document.
Follow this formatting for your data:
Data are the numbers, graphs, pictures, illustrations, etc., that you recorded as you conducted the experiment. Data are just the facts without any interpretation of what they mean. They are presented in the form of tables or graphs. These must be labeled with a number and a descriptive title (e.g. Figure 1. ‘Titration curve of glycine with NaOH). Always label both axes on
all graphs and all columns of a table, including any units of measurement if applicable (e.g.
Reaction time (sec); As.; Reaction rate (umol / min).
Create the following graphs, label them accordingly
5. Using Excel, construct a bar graph of UA versus treatments (this is graph GA-1). 6. Make a separate, semilog graph of UA from flasks 5 to 9 (UA in the ordinate vs. log
[GA] in the abscissa, namely: 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 5 g/ mL). This is graph GA-2.
Note: Do not label the X-axis as “5, 6, …, 9.” Instead, indicate GA concentrations.
7. In another semilog graph, repeat the trace of graph GA-2 but add the data from flasks
10 to 14. Carefully indicate the GA concentrations on the X-axis and the legend “[GA] + 50 MM ABA.” Remember that the X-axis should be logarithmic. This is graph
Note: Do not label the X-axis as “10, 11, …, 14.” Instead, indicate GA concentrations. 8. Flask number 15 contains an “unknown sample,” which contains some GAs. The idea is to estimate the concentration of GAs in this sample by comparison with the a-
amylase activities in the “known samples.” Interpolate the UA value from flask 15 in graph GA-2 and estimate the concentration of your unknown sample. Another way to do this is by determining the equation of your curve (using a spreadsheet program) and substituting the value of UA in it. This system is used as a bioassay for GA activity in extracts of plant materials or for synthethic gibberellins.
What kind of data did you predict to see for each of the groups in terms of absorption and enzymatic activity (UA)? (Use logic here based on your knowledge of the system and describe the predicitons in general terms: no change or decreasing absorbance/increasing UA, and to which degree if comparing groups 5-9 and 10-14)
The groups:
Samples 1-4: negative controls (conditions for amylase secretion not met)
Samples 5-9: conditions for amylase secretion met, [GA] dose increased between samples
Samples 10-14: conditions for amylase secretion met, [GA] dose increased between samples similarly as for samples 5-9, but ABA included at a fixed concentration
Sample 15: A nondeclared [GA] concentration was used: solve it by using samples 5-9 as a standard curve
Discuss whether your data matched the predictions you stated.