Please respond to the following prompt:
Sociology is not simply a restatement of the obvious.
Explain this statement using examples to demonstrate how sociological study helps us look beyond individual explanations for behavior.
1. Tips/Questions to take into account when formulating your answer:
How do social and historical forces shape everyday topics?;
Remember the application of the sociological imagination;
Remember and apply the significant intellectual contributions of early sociologists;
Remember and apply some of the leading theories and distinquish between their theoretical approaches to social life.
2. Technical requirements (length, format, etc.)
Minimum length is 3 full pages; Maximum length is 4 pages;
Use Times Roman, size 12;
Use Double line spacing;
Use Standard margins (1 inch on top and bottom, 1.25 inches on left and right side);
Use a separate cover page which includes your name, the course, the name of the assignment. Do not put this info on any other page but the cover page.
Never copy and paste from existing sources, always write your own original text.
See the attached word document with a grading rubric for the midterm essay.
From the Syllabus (page 10):
The thought behind the assignment is to test your ability to show an understanding of the course material IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Make sure that at least 90% of your answers consist of your words and your analysis. Thus, NO excessive quoting and NO excessive paraphrasing.
When you think a short citation from a text could strengthen your analysis, it is important to be accurate with the citation. In order to prevent plagiarism, whenever you use a theory, an idea, or data in general (including from graphs and tables) that are not yours, you need to give the correct source of your writings. Please use APA style for citations.
a total of six texts – The Communist Manifesto, Gaines on Teenage Wasteland, Romero on Biography and History, Schwalbe on Sociology, Loe’s Working at Bazooms, and Weber on the Protestant Ethic.
Choose TWO texts among these six and discuss and explain how these two can help you answering the Essay Question. The Communist Manifesto, Gaines on Teenage Wasteland, Romero on Biography and History, Schwalbe on Sociology, Loe’s Working at Bazooms, and Weber on the Protestant Ethic.
Choose TWO texts among these six and discuss and explain how these two can help you answering the Essay Question.