The paper will address a criminal/juvenile justice management, leadership issue, or
problem. Your topic must be pre-approved by the instructor. The paper should be 3 to 4 pages in
length or 750-1,000 words. The paper is to be analytical, with an emphasis on integrating the
readings and outside sources into a cogent discussion on some relevant issues facing a
criminal/juvenile justice organization. Papers should be formatted according to the American
Psychological Association Manual Writing Guidelines, which are most comprehensively covered
in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th edition, although
condensed and simplified versions of the APA formatting referencing requirements may be
found online and in other writing manuals. Topic selections must be made by April 1, 2023. A
draft of the paper is due to the instructor by April 23. The final research paper is due on May
1, 2023.