State which classification societies are recognised by MCA and discuss what their role is.

Topic: State which classification societies are recognised by MCA and discuss what their role is.

For easy research: 

– Classification Societies is in the Maritime Sector. 

– MCA: Maritime Coastguard Agency – UK

Harvard Reference System 

In text Citation to be used at least one per paragraph 

Reference List, at least 5 to 10 sources . 


Use of photos or tables, with captions



Introduction and Conclusion

I would like to address the essay in a professional way, explaining all the points of the classification societies and what is their role in the maritime sector. as well as which one of them are recognised by the MCA which is the Maritime Authorities of the United Kingdom. 

Find below the guidance of the essay. 

Further Guidance on the Project (AE1 Report) 


The purpose of this task is to give you hands-on control of doing action research, rather than merely digesting or re-working what others have done. It involves:


          Identifying your own area of interest. 

          Exploring an area in depth. 

          Defining your own proposition or argument.

          Constructing a rationale around that proposition. 

          Experiencing the process of drawing conclusions by synthesising knowledge gained from research. 

          Managing a project from beginning to end. 

          Consolidating communication, information-seeking and intellectual skills. 


The key features which define what you are doing in this task:


          You determine the focus and direction of your work, enhancing motivation to reach your own goal, whether it is doing the task merely out of personal interest, or to enhance your career. 

          The work is carried out on an individual basis, although you can communicate with me at any time to discuss things.

          There is a substantial research component to the project, requiring the collection and critical analysis of information and conclusions from primary, secondary and tertiary sources (the definitions often differing between disciplines). 

          A bit of psychology is also involved, because you have a more prolonged engagement, and engage on a higher level of learning activity, with the chosen subject than is the case with set coursework assignments such as essays on a given topic. 


It is important to start thinking about the project with a proposition or argument rather than simply a topic heading. The proposition sets out what you hope to learn about the topic. This proposition will guide and structure the choice of evidence to be collected and analysed.


The way in which the proposition does this is by prompting you to ask yourself two questions:


1          “What is my aim in posing this proposition / argument?”


In order to answer this, the student must then consider:


2          “What are my objectives which will serve the aim?”


The very process of addressing these key questions compels you to consider the rationale which justifies the topic. At the start of the project, and as it proceeds under review, it is necessary to keep in mind the justification of the topic. Ultimately, two questions must be asked:     


1          Is it feasible?

2          Is it worthwhile? 


The learning experience of a project is the final product of the intellectual demands which are made by challenging current knowledge – that is, by literature review – which you will develop in your action research. Your approach to this action research will define your overall orientation to the topic, so you reflect on and challenge the conclusions which you have encountered from others in your research, and testing them by the experience of your own primary research analysis – or, indeed, in your own life experience at sea.


Please contact the Unit Leader to discuss any issue and, in particular, to settle the subject title and topic of your Project.

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