- Introduction on key points of subtractive schooling (can use Valenzuela book – 1999)
- Introduce Comprehensive School Counseling Program
- Litrature Review on School Counseling Program (2-3 pages) – Background, Social & Emotional Well-being of students, academic success, implemntation, effective programs & supporting data, community & school participation, key components
- Planned Program Implementaton – Describe in detail what you will be doing in your intervention with a clear timeline and detailed outline of intervention activities for the project’s duration. Describe objectives, input, and outcomes, as well as plan for both formative and summative evaluation. The plan must demonstrate how it will maximize the success of all stakeholders, what perspective of the crisis will be addressed with the intervention, incorporation of collaboration, and best practices regarding measurable outcomes the include equity/diversity assessments.
Proposed Results – The Proposed Results section of the submission should indicate how the planned program intervention’s impact will be measured. This should include a discussion of the challenges and limitations to the proposed planned intervention and how those will be offset/overcome/minimized. These results should reflect the aspects that impact school culture and/or instruction to promote the success of all students.
Subtractive Schooling & Implementation of a Comprehensive School Counseling Program
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