The assignment is all about designing your own university-level study block! For this, you have to submit a portfolio which must include three inter-connected elements:

A 12-week study block for an undergraduate-level university programme in Education on a topic closely linked to one of the taught sessions. Once you have decided on the topic, you should include a 12-week overview (a little like what you would find in our study block guides). It is important that your sessions offer an international and cross-cultural perspective on the topic.• Choose 5 out of the 12 weeks of your study block and provide lesson plans for each. These detailed plans of 5 sessions must cover two different learning environments (for example a visit, online teaching, a lecture)• Last but not the least, the above two must be accompanied by a 2000-word critical reflection that analyses and reflects on your scheme of work. This should draw on relevant literature and theories, as well on your own observations and experiences from your placements and beyond. This critical reflection must tell us (a) why you have chosen the topic you have, and (b) why you have chosen to teach this topic in the way you have. The justifications must be anchored in literature/ theory/ case studies/ relevant experiences and demonstrate a critical understanding of pedagogy and learning theories.

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