The COVID pandemic caused an increased in adolecent suicide and mental illness pre and post

Final Persuasive Speech w/ Visual Aid

Start Assignment
  • Due Jul 11 by 11:59pm

  • Points 200

  • Submitting a website url, a media recording, or a file upload

Purpose of Assignment*: 

In this final speech, you will apply all of the concepts you have learned so far in this course. This acts as your final for this course. 

Throughout the semester we have been building your final speech together. This assignment is where you show mastery of speech building, editing, working with feedback, and speech delivery.  

Assignments that have explicitly helped you build this speech:

Application of fundamentals  

Topics covered 

Fundamentals worksheet 2 

Audience analysis and intro building 

Fundamentals worksheet 3 

Annotated bibliography/ finding sources 

Fundamentals worksheet 4 

Speaking outline 

Fundamentals worksheet 5 

Fallacies/reasoning/source evaluation 

Performance of fundamentals 


Weekly video recording 3 

Impromptu topic exploration 

Weekly video recording 4 

Intro building and practice 

Weekly video recording 5 

Conclusion building and practice 

Weekly video recording 6  

Annotated bib and research explanation 

Weekly video recording 8 

Dress rehearsal for final speech 

Basic requirements for the persuasive speech: 

  • You will use the modes of persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos) to convince your audience to take steps to enact change in their lives and in their communities.  
  • Your thesis should be a proposition of policy. As you can see, the following thesis statement previews what is coming up in the speech in one single sentence. This statement also challenges the status quo as needed for a proposition of policy.
    • For example: The prison industrial complex is harmful to our entire community, and we need to change the laws that enable it, the systems that profit from it, and use harm reduction techniques as we work towards abolition. 
  • You must call for a direct and specific course of action from your audience. The following is an example of the main point of the call to action step. Each call to action needs specific steps the audience can take.
    • For example: A solution like prison abolition takes years, but I have two things that you can do TODAY to help work towards it, which include your commitment to read more information and have a conversation with at least one person about prison abolition.  
  • You will speak for six to eight (6-8) minutes without any edits. 


Speech Organization

  • The speech should be well organized following the outline and demonstrate instructor feedback has guided improvement. 
  • There should be a clearly identifiable logical transition bridging each component of the speech. 
  • Each main point should be clearly stated and developed with at least two (2) sub-points. 
  • Use principles of clear explanation like organizers (signposts, acronyms, slogans), emphasis cues, analogies, and repetition. 

Speech Development (Each of these must be labeled in your final outline) 

  • Use all three modes of persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos). 
  • Use at least one instance of valid reasoning (i.e., causal, inductive, deductive, analogical). 
  • Use at least two different methods to establish your credibility with the audience (i.e., sociability, competence, trustworthiness, dynamism).
  • Use at least one appeal to audience needs and one appeal to audience values.
  • Cite at least three (3) reliable sources in your speech. Consulting more than three sources will likely prove beneficial.  

Speech Delivery

  • Your style (language choice) should be clear, appropriate to the audience, vivid, and varied.
  • Your delivery skills should be the best so far— extemporaneous, conversational, energetic, and non-distracting. 
  • Bodywork/non-verbal communication should be purposeful to your speech.
  • You must also have an accessible visual aid (submitted and graded as a separate item). Link to assignment 

Visual Aid

The purpose of this component of the assignment is to show mastery in providing the audience with visual representations of the information in your speech. 

Make sure that your visual aid enhances your speech, gives clarity to the audience, and follows the guidelines below. Use feedback from your draft to improve your work and submit the final version. 

Your final visual aid must: 

  • be edited for basic grammar and spelling 
  • cover each step of Monroe’s Motivated sequence 
  • include three (3) citations in APA format 
  • include a slide that introduces the visual aid and a slide that concludes the visual aid. 
  • include a thesis 
  • use accessible fonts and colors 
  • include text and images 


Final Persuasive Speech Rubric
Final Persuasive Speech Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Intro: Attention grabber

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

10 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student starts the speech with a strong attention grabber that enhances their credibility and overall speech

8 pts

Student starts the speech with a strong attention grabber that enhances the speech

7 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student attempts to grab attention of the audience, but it could be more impactful

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student starts with a greeting instead of an attention grabber. Needs stronger attention grabber

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
10 pts
Intro: Specific Purpose

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student clearly states the purpose of the speech and connects it directly to the audience

4 pts

Student clearly specifies the purpose of the speech

3 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student implies the purpose of the speech in the introduction

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Student is vague about the purpose of the speech or doesn’t mention it in the intro

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Intro: Social Impact

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student clearly states the social impact of the speech topic and explicitly shares how it impacts the audience

4 pts

Student clearly states the social impact of the speech topic

3 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student relies on the subject matter’s inherent social impact, but doesn’t state it

1 pts

Needs Improvement
Student doesn’t state the social impact of the speech topic, and the topic doesn’t inherently show social impact.

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Intro: Credibility

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student clearly shares their credibility with the topic in multiple ways

4 pts

Student clearly shares their credibility with the topic

3 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student shares their credibility, but needs more detail to convince. the audience

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Student relies on the implicated credibility that comes from crafting a speech. May not be in the intro

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Intro: Thesis

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

10 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student clearly states a thesis previews the main points of the speech and helps connect the intro to the first transition

8 pts

Student clearly states a thesis that previews the main points of the speech

6 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student states a thesis but it only previews the basic overview of the speech or main points don’t match speech main points

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student has a statement that attempts to preview the speech, but thesis is unclear and doesn’t preview main points

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
10 pts
Organization: Transitions

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

10 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student has clear, well-worded transitions that lead the audience through the speech

8 pts

Student has clear transitions between each main point that lead the audience through the speech with minimal confusion

6 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student has transitions present, but needs more information to lead the audience through

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student attempts transitions, but audience struggles to follow the speech

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
10 pts
Organization: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

10 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student follows the format and uses the format to enhance their speech

8 pts

Student follows the format throughout the speech

7 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student attempts to follow the format, but needs more clarity for audience

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student doesn’t follow the MMS format, but follows another persuasive pattern

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
10 pts
Organization: Reasoning

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student shows multiple examples of correct reasoning. Speech is free from fallacies

4 pts

Student shows an example of correct reasoning within the speech

3 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student shows an example of correct reasoning. Student includes fallacies

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Student lacks a clear example of correct reasoning. Student included fallacies

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Organization: Support

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

15 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student orally cites at least 3 outside sources, with at least one peer-reviewed, that help them build their persuasion, explain the topic, capture the attention of the audience, or enhance the speech

12 pts

Student orally cites 3 outside sources that help them build their persuasion, explain the topic, capture the attention of the audience, or enhance the speech

9 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student orally cites at least 2 sources that help them build their persuasion, explain the topic, capture the attention of the audience or enhance the speech

7 pts

Needs Improvement
Student might have outside information, but if oral citations are given there are 2 or less.

0 pts

Not Attempted
No outside information given or cited.
15 pts
Conclusion: Restate Thesis

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student clearly rewords and restates the thesis, the conclusion has no new information, and keeps audience attention

4 pts

Student clearly rewords and restates the thesis and the conclusion has no new information

3 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student revisits the thesis, but might not reword it, or may not mention every main point. Conclusion may have new information

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Student attempts to summarize the thesis, but lacks clarity or it doesn’t follow the main point. Conclusion may have new information

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Conclusion: Credibility

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student clearly rewords and restates their credibility in multiple ways

4 pts

Student clearly rewords and restates their credibility

3 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student restates their credibility. May be the same as what was stated in the intro

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Student relies on the credibility built throughout the speech but doesn’t restate it

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Conclusion: Social Impact

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student clearly restates the social impact and explicitly connects the speech to the audience again

4 pts

Student clearly restates the social impact

3 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student relies on the implied social impact and doesn’t restate impact

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Student doesn’t restate the social impact of the speech topic, and the content of the speech doesn’t inherently show social impact.

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Conclusion: Clincher

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

10 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student finishes the speech with a strong final statement, quote, narrative, statistics, etc that connects to the speech and enhances their credibility

8 pts

Student finishes the speech with a strong final statement, quote, narrative, statistic etc that connects with the speech If student thanks audience, it is done BEFORE the clincher

6 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student has a final statement that connects with the speech. Student thanks audience AFTER clincher

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Student doesn’t have a final statement that connects with the speech. End statement might only be a “Thank you” to the audience.

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
10 pts
Delivery: Persuasive

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student shows the 3 methods of persuasion multiple times in the speech

4 pts

Student shows the 3 methods of persuasion in the speech

3.13 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student shows at least 2 methods of persuasion

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Student shows 1 method of persuasion. Persuasion might be unclear

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Delivery: Extemporaneous

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

15 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student shows the 3 methods of persuasion multiple times in the speech

12 pts

Student gives an extemporaneous performance. Student follows guidelines for eye contact, tone, filler words and speech notes

9 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student attempts an extemporaneous performance. Eye contact, tone, filler words or attention to speech notes needs to be improved

7 pts

Needs Improvement
Student’s performance distracts the audience from the speech content. Eye contact, tone, filler words and attention to notes all need to be improved

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
15 pts
Recording/Presenting: Framing, Lighting, and Sound

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

15 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student follows framing, lighting, and sound guidelines in a way that enhances the speech

12 pts

Student follows framing, lighting and sound guidelines

9 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student attempts to follow framing, lighting and sound guidelines. At least one aspect needs improvement

7 pts

Needs Improvement
Student doesn’t closely follow framing, lighting and sound guidelines. The recording is distracting for audience

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
15 pts
Recording/Presenting: Time

(Persuasive Speech Delivery)

15 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Student speaks for 6-8 minutes

12 pts

Student speaks for 6-8 minutes +/- 30 seconds

9 pts

Approaching Mastery
Student misses the time limit by +/- 1 min

7 pts

Needs Improvement
Student is severely under time.

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
15 pts
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

(Visual Aid)

10 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Visual aid highlights all steps

8 pts

Visual aid highlights 4 steps

6 pts

Approaching Mastery
Visual aid highlights 3 steps

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Visual aid highlights at least 1 step

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
10 pts

(Visual Aid)

10 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Visual aid contains 3 citations in correct APA format

8 pts

Visual aid contains 3 citations but not correctly cited

6 pts

Approaching Mastery
Visual aid contains 2 citations. May be incorrectly cited

5 pts

Needs Improvement
Visual aid contains 1 citation. May be incorrectly cited

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
10 pts
Includes Text and Images

(Visual Aid)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Visual aid contains relevant and appropriate text and images

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Visual aid contains either text or images, or text and images are inappropriate for the speech.

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts

(Visual Aid)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Visual aid has a section dedicated to introducing the topic

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Visual aid attempts to introduce the topic, but the section isn’t dedicated to the introduction

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts

(Visual Aid)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Visual aid has a section dedicated to concluding the speech

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Visual aid attempts to conclude the speech, but the section isn’t dedicated to the conclusion

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts

(Visual Aid)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Thesis is clear in the visual aid

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Thesis is unclear in the visual aid

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Basic Grammar and Spelling

(Visual Aid)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Visual aid has been edited for basic grammar and spelling

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Visual aid contains many basic grammar and spelling mistakes

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Accessible Fonts and Images

(Visual Aid)

5 pts

Exceeds Mastery
Visual aid contains accessible fonts and images

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Visual aid contains fonts or images that are mostly inaccessible

0 pts

Not Attempted
Not attempted
5 pts
Total Points: 200

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