The ecological and economic impact of Hurricane Fiona, including the impact on wildlife and the costs of recovery and rebuilding

Please proofread/rewrite the paper according to the comments received from TA and the project guideline

Note that by “Hurricane Fiona” I’m addressing the hurricane that hit Canada in 2022, please do not analyze other hurricanes of the same name in this paper
Comment from TA:
“First of all, I cannot tell which hurricane you are talking about. Your title mentions Fiona, and from your preparation assignment that is what I thought you were talking about. However, you named multiple different dates and times that “Fiona” happened including 1998, September 2016, August 2020, and 2022. You then used references spanning decades to talk about Fiona, using specifics from them including damage estimates. Hurricane Fiona (that caused the damage in the photo that you included in your preparation assignment) happened in mid to late September 2022. I hate to cite Wikipedia, but here is the page:
Any of your sources dated before September 2022 cannot be talking about Hurricane Fiona, as it hadn’t happened yet. This is the most striking problem I have found in your paper, which needs to be sorted out before you submit it. However, there are a few other problems I have noticed, which aren’t in line with the guidelines for this paper. I will copy and paste from the guidelines:
– Figures: Your paper should have 5–10 figures that contribute information to your paper and are
relevant to your topic. Images that are merely illustrative or only tangentially related are not
encouraged. Images can be interspersed throughout the text or collected at the end of the paper in
an Appendix, but the text itself (without pictures) should still be 10–15 pages long. Your figures
should not all be similar. All figures should have a caption (under figure, written by you) and be
referenced directly in the text. Your figure sources should also be listed in your bibliography.
– The bibliography and citations: Your paper should be well cited, using at least ~10 sources. While
web sources are admissible, make sure that most of your sources are academic (e.g., books,
journal articles, or conference proceedings). Academic sources, such as journal articles, you access
through the internet are counted as academic sources, not web sources. Any web sources used
should be retrieved from reputable sources, like government agency sites.
– Formatting: Your paper should be 1.5-line spaced, with a title page and section headings. The title page does not need to be fancyβ€”just the title of your paper, name, student ID and course information and date. The headings should be formatted in such a way that they stand out from the text so that they are clearly visible. Do not use special formatting like boldface or underlining for emphasis in the text of your paper; this is distracting and unprofessional. Use 1-inch margins, 1.5-line space for your text, and number your pages. Papers will be submitted in PDF format.
It also seems like you mixed your analysis and book review together. They should be separate, with the book review being 5-7 pages long. You can separate the book review section into subsections if you need to, but you cannot mix it together with your analysis (which includes your academic sources). 
Also as I highlighted above, your figures will need to be changed. You cannot rely on just damaged photographs. You need figures that contribute information to your paper, such as graphs, tables of relevant data, etc. The image you sent of erosion to PEI was good, as it showed on a large scale the impact of the storm. Using that you would then expand on what effects the erosion has and discuss it fully in the main text.” 

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